
Felix Hirwa Nshuti

I am a Felix Hirwa Nshuti. I work on Computer Architecture, System Programming, Programming Languages and Compilers, and Machine Learning. I am an open-source contributor and maintainer who likes the community interaction.
I enjoy learning new stuff and sharing knowledge with others.

During my time at Pandit Deendayal Energy University (PDEU), I concentrated on the deep understanding of the computer architecture, Programming Languages and Compilers, and did various internships in Machine Learning field.

In my free time, I play football and share memes with friends 😎

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  • GSoC2024 project

    At sktime, A unified framework for machine learning with time series

    Implemented adapter for darts regression models and pytorch classification models GRU and GRU-FCN.

  • Struco

    Authors: Felix Hirwa Nshuti & Mellisa A. Gblinwon

    A simple tool designed to extract the Intermediate Representation (IR) and Control Flow Graph (CFG) form C/C++ and Python source code. This is collaborative work carried out to satisfy minor project reuirements of the seventh semester at PDEU.

Some Open-Source Contributions

  • Ivy - A Unified AI Framework (Maintainer: 2022 - 2023)
  • pytorch-forecasting - Time series forecasting with PyTorch (Maintainer: 2024 - Present)
  • sktime - A unified framework for machine learning with time series. (Maintainer: 2024 - Present)
  • pytorch-lightning - Pretrain, finetune and deploy AI models on multiple GPUs, TPUs with zero code changes. (Contributor: 2024 - Present)